Our health and safety commitment

Manufacturing and installing precast concrete products is a high risk, high hazard job. Risks include crane work, work at height, vehicles, machines & cutting operations.
Milbank operate an ISO 45001 management system and follow the Precast Flooring Federation’s ‘Approved Code of Practice’ for product installation, whilst working with our clients for developing and managing safe systems of work.

Factory and yard operations
Without sufficient process controls, producing concrete products can be hazardous. Milbank operate ISO 45001 & 14001 management systems for employee health & safety and to minimize our impact on the environment.
Employees undergo specific machine and process training including works vehicles, overhead crane, abrasive wheels, and portable tools. Regular working environment air quality checks are carried out and employees receive annual occupational health surveillance by a third-party service provider.
Mandatory PPE is provided specific to the working environments including gloves, overalls, safety footwear, head protection, eye protection, respiratory and hearing protection.
Our switch to HVO biofuel in 2021, along with existing factory ventilation, has made a dramatically positive impact in factory air quality. As a cement user, Milbank are required to meet specific operators permit conditions administered by the local government. These include cement spill mitigation and emergency response, strict plant maintenance regimes and engineered process control measures.
Work at height

Work at height risks during installation are mitigated by either our own air bag fall arrest system or by decking installed by the customer.
For use on a building or structure.
The bags are of a modular design and constructed from high strength PVC material which is inflated using continual low pressure air flow from a pump driven fan. Inflation causes the bags to expand and join to form a continuous protective safety surface.
Milbank Air Bag Systems can be delivered and erected to any operation involving personnel working at height.
For upper Floor Beam & Block Installation.
Following a safety review, Milbank no longer offers an installation service for Beam & Block Upper Floors.

Contact Milbank today
We are experts in precast concrete product design, manufacture, delivery and installation.
Get in touch to find out how we can help you.