Precast concrete sea defence construction
Our coastline is very valuable for both economic and social reasons, but it is a varying environment that naturally evolves through coastal erosion and flooding. Milbank offer a range of precast concrete sea defence and anti-flood solutions to a variety of industries.

The UK’s leading manufacturer of precast concrete sea defence and flood solutions

Coastal management plans have been established to protect natural and man-made features, as well as human life. There are two main aims to coastal management plans:
- To provide defence against water inundation.
- To provide protection against coastal erosion.

Some forms of coastal defence are natural formations, others are man-made – and they can be combined. They fall into two broad groups: ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ defences. Milbank offer a range of precast concrete sea defence and anti-flood solutions, providing bespoke specialist services to meet specific client needs.

Coastal management plans have been established to protect natural and man-made features, as well as human life. There are two main aims to coastal management plans:
- To provide defence against water inundation.
- To provide protection against coastal erosion.

Some forms of coastal defence are natural formations, others are man-made – and they can be combined. They fall into two broad groups: ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ defences. Milbank offer a range of precast concrete sea defence and anti-flood solutions, providing bespoke specialist services to meet specific client needs.
Concrete sea walls
Milbank Concrete Sea Walls are manufactured from reinforced precast concrete and protect against storm waves by reflecting wave energy. They are normally found in towns or harbours where there are lots of properties or special assets to protect. Storm waves can be very powerful, and defences do get damaged.

A wide beach or salt marsh in front of a sea wall will absorb some of the wave energy and make the walls more effective.
Whether the requirement is complete concrete wave walls, or copings to refurbish existing defences that have been damaged, Milbank provide high quality precast concrete block units to resist natural processes such as wave action and sediment movement in a range of sizes.
Concrete revetments
Milbank precast concrete revetments are used to support and protect the seaward slope of sea walls or embankments, along its length. The reinforced concrete units are designed specifically to absorb, more than reflect wave energy, and to protect the land from wave action. They are available in a range of configurations and can be adapted to suit individual requirements.

Most revetments allow water to pass, and in losing some of its energy, deposit materials rather than erode.
Milbank work closely with the Environment Agency to manufacture and supply Canewdon Blocks, which are often laid in grid formation at the toe of the sea wall.

Contact Milbank today
We are experts in precast concrete product design, manufacture, delivery and installation.
Get in touch to find out how we can help you.